CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Mihai Emilian POPA, Dr. habil. |
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CV, Europass format, PDF file (in English)
I. Personal data
- Name: Mihai Emilian POPA;
- Date & place of birth: August 12, 1969, Bucharest, Romania;
- Position: Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics;
- Address: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology & Doctoral School of Geology, Laboratory of Palaeontology, 1, N. Balcescu Ave., 010041, Bucharest;
- Office: +40213053817;
- Lab: +40213053818;
- Fluent English and French languages;
- Experience within the higher education: more than 26 years (since September 1994);
- Professional statements & teaching philosophy.II. Biographical information
- 1976-1984: General School no. 19 "Tudor Arghezi", Bucharest;
- 1984-1988: Highschool no. 32 "Jean Monnet", Bucharest, Theoretical Section (Mathematics and Physics);
- 1988-1989: Military service, Sargeant, Military Unit 0396 (43-rd Security-Militia Batallion, Bucharest);
- 1989-1994: Bachelor of Science (Engineer degree) in Geology, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Section of Mineral fuels;
- 1997-1998: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, General Biology Section;
- 2000: PhD in Geology, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics;
- 2015: Habilitation in Geology, University of Bucharest, Doctoral School of Geology;
- 1994-1997: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, within Junior Assistant Professor (Instructor, Preparator) position;
- 1997-2000: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, within Assistant Professor (Asistent) position;
- 2000-2007: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, within University Lecturer (Lector) position;
- 2007-2017: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, within Associate Professor (Conferentiar universitar, Reader) position;
- 2017-: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geology, Laboratory of Palaeontology, within Professor position;
- 2015-: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Doctoral School of Geology;
- 2018-: Head of the Doctoral School of Geology, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest;
- 2001-2002: University of Florida, Gainesville FL, USA, Fulbright Scholar, post-doc with Prof. David L. Dilcher, member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS);
- 2002: Universite "Claude Bernard", Lyon, France, Professeur d’Universite Classe Premiere invite;
- 2007-2010: University College Dublin, School of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Ireland, Marie Curie More Experienced Researcher;
- 2019-: Southwest Petroleum University, School of Geosciences and Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, Visiting Professor.III. Professional societies membership
1. International Organisation of Palaeobotany, member and vicepresident (2012-2017);
2. Geological Society of Romania;
3. Romanian Society of Palaeontologists;
4. GeoD Association for promoting geodiversity;
5. Romanian Fulbright Alumni Association;
6. University Solidarity;
7. Sigma Xi;
8. Professional Association of Diving Instructors;
9. ProGeo, group for geological heritage;
10. GESS, cave diving group, founding member, since 1984;
11. Ad-Astra Association of Romanian researchers.IV. Research activity
- PhD with the rank “Summa Cum Laude” (the highest in Romania), defended on 29 March 2000, with two supervisors: Prof. Johanna Van Konijnenburg – Van Cittert (Utrecht University) and Prof. Ovidiu Dragastan (University of Bucharest). Title of the thesis: Early Jurassic Land flora of the Getic Nappe;
- Habilitation thesis, defended on 6 March 2015, with the title: ”Paleobotany, terrestrial ecosystems and coal: case studies from Greenland, Europe and Asia”, University of Bucharest;
- Head of the Doctoral School of Geology, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest (2018-);
- Awarded with the Fulbright Senior Research Award for October 1, 2001 – June 1, 2002, at the University of Florida, in Gainesville FL, USA. The post-doctoral award was focused on research on Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) conifers from United States and Romania and on educational methods in Paleobotany and Palynology. Post-doc with Prof. David L. Dilcher, NAS, University of Florida;
- Awarded with the title Professeur d’Universite Classe Premiere invite, Echelon 3, at University Claude Bernard of Lyon, Laboratory of Mesozoic Paleobotany. Visiting Professor for teaching and research (paleobotany, cuticle ultrastructures of fossil plants) in Lyon, in 2002;
- Visiting professor at Southwest Petroleum University, School of Geosciences and Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, since 2019. Visiting Professor for teaching three courses per semester and for research.
- Senior Researcher (Marie Curie more experienced researcher), University College Dublin, within the "Massextinct" Marie Curie excellence grant of Jennifer McElwain (PI, UCD), in 2007-2010;
- Head of the Research Center for Coal Geology and Environmental Sciences, University of Bucharest and promoter of the Dilcher-Popa Field Laboratory in Bigar, Berzasca Commune, Caras-Severin County;
- Research experience in systematics, taxonomy, phytostratigraphy and paleoecology of Mesozoic (mainly Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and Upper Paleozoic (Late Carboniferous and Permian) land plants (macro- and microflora). Focused on Mesozoic and Late Paleozoic Paleobotany and In situ Palynology, especially on Bryophyte, Pteridophyte and Gymnosperm compressions or permineralisations;
- Field worker in sedimentary deposits, focused on paleontological and paleoecological data gathering. Good field experience in continental sedimentology (fluvial, lacustrine, paleosols, coal-generating basins) in connection with paleobotanical expertise. Skilled in geological mapping at daylight and in underground mining horizons (mining mapping for coal bearing deposits, Coal Geology experience);
- Laboratory experience: paleontological preparations, cuticle extraction, in situ spores and pollen extraction, disperse spores and pollen extraction, peels, thin sections;
- Optical microscopy experience, in Bright Field, Dark Field, Phase Contrast, Polarized Light, Fluorescene microscopy, skilled in image processing and image enhancement software (e.g. Axiovision, Carl Zeiss);
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) experience on Hitachi SEM microscopes in Gainesville FL and Lyon, France;
- Transmitted Electron Microscopy (TEM) experience (ultrastructural cutting, preparation, analysis, photography) on Hitachi microscopes, Lyon, France;
- Scientific photographer in: paleontology, geology, underwater photography;
- Computer abilities: MS Windows, MS Office (mainly Word, Powerpoint, but also Excel, Access), Corel Draw Graphics Suite, Adobe Acrobat, EndNote, Dreamweaver, etc. Experience in desktop publishing (DTP), editing books and newsletters;
- Abroad scientific stages: University of Southampton (Ecological monitoring and Impact assessments, Artifical reefs, 1993), East London University (Paleobotany, 1993), Utrecht Universitet (Paleobotany and in Situ Palynology, 1994), Montpellier University (Paleobotany, 1997), Bristol University (Educational techniques, Paleontology, 1998), Lyon University (Paleobotany, 1997, 2002), University of Florida at Gainesville (Paleobotany, Educational techniques, 2001-2002), Stockholm Museum of Natural History (Paleobotany, 2002), Field Museum, Chicago (Paleobotany, 2003), University College Dublin (Paleobotany, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), Copenhagen University (Paleobotany, 2006);
- Coordinator for Romania of the Bibliography of European Palaeobotany and Palynology (1998-2006);
- Member of the Editorial Boards of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Palaeo3, Amsterdam), Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (Beijing), Acta Palaeobotanica (Krakow), Palaeodiversity (Stuttgart), Volumina Jurassica (Warsaw), Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India (Lucknow), Fossil Imprint (Prague), and Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae (Bucharest);
- Peer-reviewer for all significant, international periodicals in Paleobotany - Paleozoology - Geology, such as Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Palaeo3), Geobios, Comptes Rendus Palevol, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Gondwana Research, Palaeoworld, Acta Palaeobotanica, Alcheringa, Island Arc, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Acta Geologica Polonica, Geologica Belgica, Geo. Alp, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, Scientific Reports, International Journal for Coal Geology, Fossil Imprint, Phytokeys, etc.
- Peer-reviewer for grant applications with all major research agencies in Europe and in the world.V. Major research fields
1. Paleobotany: Mesozoic and Late Paleozoic land plants, systematics, taxonomy, nomanclature, in situ Palynology, Paleozoic and Mesozoic Phytostratigraphy;
2. Coal Geology, Coal Petrography, Continental Paleoecology, Stratigraphy;
3. Geoecology and Preservation of the geological heritage.VI. Research audit
- Employed with UEFISCSU, the Romanian research executive unit of CNCSIS, in 2006. Co-author for the postdoctoral programmes framework in Romania and for the re-integration of young researchers programme in Romania, in 2006;
- Counselor for the Secretary of State for Research and Minister of Education, President of ANCS, Prof. Anton Anton (2006-2007);
- Counselor for the President of CNCSIS (NURC), Prof. Ioan Dumitrache (2006-2011);
- Member of the CNCSIS (NURC) National Board (2008-2011), and Executive secretary of the Enlarged Executive Board (2009);
- Head of the 4th Commission of the CNCSIS (NURC) between 2010-2011, in charge with monitoring of grants in Geology, Geography, Biology and Environmental sciences;
- Head of the Post-grant monitoring Commission of CNCSIS (NURC) between 2009-2011;
- Member of the National Registry of Experts, Romanian Education and Research Ministry (2005-2011);
- Member of the Life and Earth Science Standing Committee (LESC) of the European Science Foundation (ESF), (2009-2011, Strasbourg). Appointed Liasion Officer between LESC-ESF (Strasbourg) and ESSEM-COST (Brussels);
- Member of the Experts group of ESSEM-COST (Brussels);
- Expert for the Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission (appointed in 2011, Brussels).
- Member and vice-president of the CNATDCU Commission for Earth Sciences (appointed in 2016, Bucharest).
- Peer-reviewer for various grant agencies: National Science Foundation (USA), European Science Foundation (ESF, Strassbourg), European Commission (REA), COST (Bruxelles), Hungary (Otka), Hong Kong, Slovenia, Poland (Fulbright), Romania (CNCSIS-Uefiscdi, Fulbright), etc.VII. Awards
- 2003: “In hoc signo vinces” Prize, national scientific award for young researchers, awarded by CNCSIS (NURC) and Romanian Ministry of Education and Research;
- 2011: "Grigore Cobalcescu" Prize, awarded by the Romanian Academy for the book Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic continental formations of the Resita Basin.
- 2014: ”Emil Pop” Prize of the Romanian Society of Paleontologists, for the paper: Popa, M.E., 2014. Early Jurassic bennettitalean reproductive structures of Romania. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 94, 327-362.VIII. Educational activity
More than 24 years experience within the higher education system in Romania. Since 1994, full teaching and research activity within the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Laboratory of Palaeontology.
Courses taught (each course is given on a weekly basis during the first or second semester of the academic year, each course session is 100 minutes long with a 10 minutes middle break):
- Course in Paleobotany, for undergraduates in Geology, University of Bucharest, since 1999. Number of students attending the course each year: 20;
- Course in Coal Geology, for undergraduates in Geology, University of Bucharest, since 2008. Number of students attending the course each year: 35;
- Course in Palynology, for undergraduate students in the third year of studies in Geology and Engineering Geology, between 2000 and 2005, at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics. Number of students attending each year: 30-40;
- Course in Elements of Geology and Paleontology for undergraduates in Biology, Ecology Section, University of Bucharest, since 2004. Number of students attending the course each year: 25-40;
- Course in General Geology for undergraduate students in Geography, Environmental, Tourism and Hydro-Meteo sections, University of Bucharest. Number of students attending the course each year each year: 150-180;
- Course in Global change, for undergraduates in Geology, University of Bucharest, between 2004 and 2008. Number of students attending the course each year: 20;
- Course in Global change for graduate students, GeoBio master, University of Bucharest, since 2010. Number of students attending each year: 10-25;
- Course in Principles of Ecology, for undergraduates in Geology, University of Bucharest, since 2000. Number of students attending the course each year: 20;
- Course in Scientific writing for doctoral students (transversal course), Doctoral School of Geology, University of Bucharest, since 2017. Number of students attending the course each year: 10;
- Course in Scientometry for postdoctoral students, University of Bucharest, since 2011. Number of students attending the course each year: 30;
- Course in Research management for doctoral students, in 2015 (POS-DRU), University of Bucharest. Number of students attending the course each year: 75;
- Course in Scientific writing and career development for undergraduate students in Geology, Engineering Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest, since 2018. Number of students attending the course each year: 65-95;
- Course in Academic Deontology for graduate students in Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest, since 2017. Number of students attending the course each year: 60-90;
- Course in Stratigraphy and Historical Geology for undergraduate students of the School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwestern Petroleum University in Chengdu, Sichuan, since 2019. Number of students attending the course each year: 65-70;
- Course in Phytoclasts for graduate students (Master students) of the School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwestern Petroleum University in Chengdu, Sichuan, since 2019. Number of students attending the course each year: 10-15;
- Course in Scientific writing for graduate students (PhD students) of the School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwestern Petroleum University in Chengdu, Sichuan, since 2019. Number of students attending the course each year: 10-20;
- Practical (laboratory) sessions given since 1994 as parts of the courses in Paleobotany, Palynology, Paleoecology and Microbiofacies, Elements of Geology and Paleontology, Global change, Principles of Ecology, Paleobotany, for undergraduates and graduates in Geology, Biology and Geography. Each lab session is 100 minutes long (with a 10 minutes break), each lab being given for 14 weeks, each semester. For the laboratories in Paleobotany, Palynology, and Microbiofacies, transmitted light microscopes and dissecting microscopes are used;
- Field courses with undergraduate or graduate students in Geology and Geography, University of Bucharest, during field trips in the Romania, mainly in the South Carpathians. Each year, a field course is organized in Bigar, Berzasca Commune, Caras-Severin County, for undergraduates in Geology, in collaboration with the Dilcher-Popa Field Laboratory;
- Geospeo field course in Geology for speleologists, in collaboration with Romanian Federation of Speleology and the Dilcher-Popa Field Laboratory;
- Field course in Geology for students awarded at the International Olympiad of Earth Sciences in collaboration with the School Inspectorate of Bucharest, No Gravity and the Dilcher-Popa Field Laboratory;
- Member in the working groups of various educational development projects, such as TEMPUS, CNCSIS;
- Supervisor for more than 50 undergraduate or graduate students for their bachelor or master theses in Paleobotany, Palynology, Geology;
- PhD supervisor since 2015. As of the year 2020, supervisor of four PhD students: Roxana Pirnea (Paleobotany), Maria Ghiran (Coal and Oil Geology), Adrian Popa (Marine Geology) and Alexandru Calin (Paleobotany);IX. Conservation activity
- 2004-: Member of the Scientific Commitee of the Iron Gates Natural Park, in charge with the Geology of the natural park;
- 2000: Member of the advisory board for the Natural Monuments Commission, Romanian Academy of Sciences, for Geology;
- 2003-: Scientific advisor in the field of Paleontology for the Romanian edition of National Geographic Magazine, Bucharest.X. Books
1. Dragastan, O., Damian, R. and Popa, M.E., 1997, Paleobotanica si Palinologie, Bucharest University Press, 210 pp., Bucharest (in Romanian).2. Popa, M.E., 2007, Elemente de Geologie si Paleontologie, Bucharest University Press, 235pp., Bucharest (in Romanian).
3. Popa, M.E., 2009, Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic continental formations of the Resita Basin, Bucharest University Press, 197 pp., Bucharest (in English).
4. Grigorescu, D., Vasile, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Popa, M.E., Stoica, M., Seclaman, M., 2014. Geodiversitatea Tarii Hategului, Bucharest University Press, 101pp., Bucharest (in Romanian).
XI. Book chapters
1. Popa, M.E., 2001. Ponor SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). Lower Jurassic Paleoflora. In: I.I. Bucur, Filipescu, S., Sasaran, E. (Editor), Algae and carbonate platforms in western part of Romania. Field trip guidebook. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 167-171.2. Popa, M.E., 2003. Geological heritage values in the Iron Gates Natural Park, Romania. In: M. Patroescu (Editor), ICERA 2003. Ars Docendi Publishing House, Bucuresti, pp. 742-751.
3. Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2006. Preliminary ichnological results on the Steierdorf Formation in Anina, Romania. In: Z. Csiki (Editor), Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates and paleoenvironments. Ars Docendi Press, Bucharest, pp. 197-201.
4. Anastasiu, N., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., Muscalu, M.-S., Bulearca, M., 2015. Resursele subsolului, in: Simionescu, B.C., Mihai, M., Rusu, R.-D. (Eds.), Resursele strategice ale Romaniei. Problemele prezentului si provocarile viitorului. Iasi: Editura Studis, 113-144.
5. Platon, V., Constantinescu, A., Anastasiu, N., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., 2015. Deseuri. Materiale reciclabile, in: Simionescu, B.C., Mihai, M., Rusu, R.-D. (Eds.), Resursele strategice ale României. Problemele prezentului si provocarile viitorului. Iasi: Editura Studis, 145-172.
6. Anastasiu, N., Patruti, A., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., 2016. Resursele subsolului, in: Simionescu, B.C., Rusu, R.-D., Mihai, M. (Eds.), Resursele strategice ale Romaniei. O abordare pentru urmatoarele doua decenii. Iasi: Editura Studis, 113-140.
7. Anastasiu, N., Patruti, A., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., 2017. Resursele subsolului, in: Simionescu, B.C., Rusu, R.D., Mihai, M. (Eds.), Resursele strategice ale Romaniei. Dimensiunile unei dezvoltari durabile. Iasi: Editura Studis, 81-103.
8. Bucur, I., Branzila, M., Filipescu, S., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Popa, M.E., 2018. Stratigrafia, in: Radulescu, D., Panin, N., Anastasiu, N., Brustur, T. (Eds.), Istoria geostiintelor in Romania. Stiintele geologice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei, 155-191.
9. Popa, M.E., 2018. Geologia carbunilor, in: Radulescu, D., Panin, N., Anastasiu, N., Brustur, T. (Eds.), Istoria geostiintelor in Romania. Stiintele geologice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei.
10. Popa, M.E., Bucur, I., 2018. Paleobotanica si palinologia, in: Radulescu, D., Panin, N., Anastasiu, N., Brustur, T. (Eds.), Istoria geostiintelor în Romania. Stiintele geologice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei, 131-139.
11 . Anastasiu, N., Patruti, A., Popa, M.E., 2019. Resurse neconventionale, in: Constantinescu, E., Anastasiu, N. (Eds.), Resursele minerale ale României. Vol. III. Resurse energetice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Romane, 505-558.
12 . Constantinescu, E., Murariu, T., Anastasiu, N., Popa, M.E., 2019. Resurse nucleare, in: Constantinescu, E., Anastasiu, N. (Eds.), Resursele minerale ale Romaniei. Vol. III. Resurse energetice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Romane, 559-586.
13. Popa, M.E., Anastasiu, N., 2019. Resurse de carbuni, in: Constantinescu, E., Anastasiu, N. (Eds.), Resursele minerale ale Romaniei. Vol. III. Resurse energetice. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Romane, 435-504.
XII. Papers published in peer reviewed periodicals with impact factors (ISI)
1. Givulescu, R. and Popa, M.E., 1998. Aninopteris formosa Givulescu et Popa, gen. et sp. nov., a new Liassic matoniaceous genus and species from Anina, Banat, Romania. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 104: 51-66, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
2 . Popa, M.E., 2000. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic palaeobotany and palynology. Part II. A new species of Pachypteris from Cristian. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 111: 31-47, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.3. Guignard, G., Popa, M.E. and Barale, G., 2004. Ultrastructure of Early Jurassic fossil plant cuticles: Pachypteris gradinarui POPA. Tissue and Cell, 36: 263-273, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
4. Philippe, M., Barbacka, M., Gradinaru, E., Iamandei, E., Iamandei, S., Kazmer, M., Popa, M.E., Szakmany, G., Tchoumatchenco, P. and Zaton, M., 2006. Fossil wood and Mid-Eastern Europe terrestrial paleobiogeography during the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous interval. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 142: 15-32, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
5. Popa, M.E. and Van Konijnenburg - Van Cittert, J.H.A., 2006. Aspects of Romanian Early - Middle Jurassic palaeobotany and palynology. Part VII. Successions and floras. Progress in Natural Sciences, 16: 203-212, Taylor & Francis, Beijing.
6. McElwain, J.C., Popa, M.E., Hesselbo, S.P., Haworth, D.M. and Surlyk, F., 2007. Macroecological responses of terrestrial vegetation to climatic and atmospheric change across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in East Greenland. Paleobiology, 33(4): 547-573.
7. Popa, M.E. and McElwain, J.C., 2009, Bipinnate Ptilozamites nilssonii from Jameson Land and new considerations on the genera Ptilozamites Nathorst 1878 and Ctenozamites Nathorst 1886, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 153(3-4): 386-393, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
8. Pienkowski, G., Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2009. Early Jurassic sauropod footprints of the Southern Carpathians, Romania: palaeobiological and palaeogeographical significance. Geological Quarterly, 53(4): 461-470.
9. Popa, M.E., Psenicka, J., 2010. The Pennsylvanian Pecopteris ticleanui sp. nov. from Secu, Resita Basin, Romania. Bulletin of Geosciences 85, 663-670.
10. Steinthorsdottir, M., Bacon, K.L., Popa, M.E., Bochner, L., McElwain, J.C., 2011, Bennettitalean leaf cuticle fragments (here Anomozamites and Pterophyllum) can be used interchangeably in stomatal based palaeo-CO2 reconstructions, 54, 867-882, Palaeontology, Wiley.11. Popa, M.E., Cleal, C.J., 2012. Aspects of Romanian Palaeozoic Palaeobotany and Palynology. Part III. The Late Carboniferous flora of Baia Noua, Sirinia Basin. Geologia Croatica 65, 329-243.
12. Kedzior, A., Popa, M.E., 2013, Sedimentology of the terrestrial Steierdorf Formation in Anina, Colonia Ceha Quarry, South Carpathians, Romania, Acta Geologica Polonica, Krakow.
13. Popa, M.E., 2014. Early Jurassic bennettitalean reproductive structures of Romania. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 94, 327-362.
14. Popa, M.E., Kvacek, J., Vasile, Csiki-Sava, Z., 2014. Maastrichtian monocotyledons of the Rusca Montana and Hateg basins, South Carpathians, Romania. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 210, 89-101.15. Popa, M.E., Kvacek, J., Vasile, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., 2016. Maastrichtian dicotyledons of the Rusca Montana and Hateg basins, South Carpathians, Romania. Cretaceous Research 57, 699-712.
16. Barbacka, M., Popa, M.E., Mitka, J., Bodor, E., Puspoki, Z., McIntosh, R.W., 2016. A quantitative approach for identifying plant ecogroups in the Romanian early Jurassic terrestrial vegetation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
17. Csiki-Sava, Z., Kedzior, A., Pienkowski, G., Popa, M.E., 2016. Hettangian tetrapod burrows from the continental Steierdorf Formation at Anina, western Romania. Geological Quarterly.
18. Kedzior, A., Popa, M.E., 2018. An Early Jurassic braided river system from Mehadia, South Carpathians, Romania. Geological Quarterly 62.
19. Pirnea, R., Popa, M.E., 2018. Genus Pronephrium Presl 1851 (Thelypteridaceae) in Romania. Journal of Palaeogeography 7, 1-13.
20. Anastasiu, N., Simionescu, B.C., Popa, M.E., Mihai, M., Rusu, R.D., Predeanu, G., 2018. Romanian coal reserves and strategic trends. International Journal of Coal Geology 198, 177-182.
21. Popa, M.E., Predeanu, G., 2018. Coals of Romania: Geology, petrology and use. International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 103-122.
22. Ghiran, M.D., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., Gheorghe, S., 2018. Petrography and geochemistry of dispersed organic matter in the Oligocene source rocks of the central-western part of the Getic Depression, Romania. International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 153-165.
23. Popa, M.E., 2019. Review of the bennettitalean genus Weltrichia. Journal of Palaeogeography 8.
24. Lu, N., Wang, Y., Popa, M.E., Xie, X.P., Li, L.-Q., Xi, S.-N., Xi, C.-L., Deng, C.-T., 2019. Sedimentological and paleoecological aspects of the Norian–Rhaetian transition (Late Triassic) in the Xuanhan area of the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Palaeoworld.
25. Kedzior, A., Budzyn, B., Popa, M.E., Siwecki, T., 2020. Monazite U–Th–total Pb age constraints on an early Permian volcanic event in the South Carpathians, Romania. Geologica Carpathica 71.
XIII. Papers publised in peer-reviewed, indexed periodicals
1. Popa, M.E., 1997, Liassic ferns from the Steierdorf Formation, Anina, Romania, 1997, Proc. 4th European Paleobotanical-Palynological Conference, Meddelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, vol. 58, p. 139-148, Amsterdam.2. Stanoiu, I., Popa, M.E., Diaconita, D., Ticleanu, M., Dinulescu, C. and Balabas, T., 1997. The Liassic from Resita and Sirinia Basins. In: A. Grubic, Berza, T. (Editor), Geology of the Danube Gorges, International Symposium. Belgrade Institute of Geology, Milanovac - Orsova, pp. 249-254.
3. Dragastan, O., Richter, D.K., Kube, B., Popa, M.E., Sarbu, A. and Ciugulea, I., 1997. A new family of Paleo-Mesozoic calcareous Green Siphons-algae (Order Bryopsidales, Class Bryopsidophyceae, Phylum Siphonophyta). Revista Espagnola de Micropaleontologia, XXIX(1): 69-135.
4. Ticleanu, N., Scradeanu, D., Popa, M.E., Milutinovici, S., Popa, R., Preda, I., Ticleanu, M., Savu, C., Diaconita, D., Barus, T., Petrescu, I., Dinulescu, C. and Maftei, R., 1999. The relation between the lithotypes of Pliocene coals from Oltenia and their main quality characteristics. Vestnik Ceskeho geologickeho ustavu, 74(2): 169-174.
5. Popa, M.E., 1999. The Early Permian Megaflora from the Resita Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, 5th EPPC. Acta Palaeobotanica. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Krakow, pp. 47-59.
6. Popa, M.E. and Van Konijnenburg - Van Cittert, J.H.A., 1999. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic palaeobotany and palynology. Part I. In situ spores from the Getic Nappe, Banat, Romania, 5th EPPC. Acta Palaeobotanica. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Krakow, pp. 181-195.
7. Seghedi, A., Popa, M.E., Oaie, G. and Nicolae, I., 2001. The Permian system in Romania. In: G. Cassinis (Editor), Permian continental deposits of Europe and other areas. Regional reports and correlations, Natura Bresciana, Brescia, 25:281-293.
8. Yanev, S., Popa, M.E., Seghedi, A. and Oaie, G., 2001. Overview of the continental Permian deposits of Bulgaria and Romania. In: G. Cassinis (Editor), Permian continental deposits of Europe and other areas. Regional reports and correlations, Natura Bresciana, Brescia, 25:269-279.
9. Popa, M.E., 2005. Aspects of Romanian Palaeozoic palaeobotany and palynology. Part II. Overview of the Upper Carboniferous formations in the South Carpathians. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften, 156(3): 415-430.
10. Ticleanu, N., Predeanu, G., Ticleanu, M., Petrescu, I., Trotea, T., Popa, M.E., Scortariu, O.V., Barus, T., Cupa, D., Negru, S., 2005. Premise geologice favorabile utilizarii xylitului continut in carbunii bruni din Oltenia pentru obtinerea unui depoluant Environment & Progress 4, 407-414.
11. Popa, M.E. and Meller, B., 2009. Review of Jurassic plants from the Anina (Steierdorf) coal mining area, South Carpathians, in the collections of the Geological Survey of Austria. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 149(4): 487-498.
12. Popa, M.E. and Zaharia, A., 2011, Early Jurassic ovipositories on bennettitalean leaves from Romania, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. 7, Cluj-Napoca.
13. Popa, M.E., 2011, Field and laboratory techniques in plant compressions: an integrated approach, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. 7, Cluj-Napoca. Also, a translation of the paper can also be found.
14. Popa, M.E., Kedzior, A. and Fodolica, V., 2010, The Anina Geopark: preserving the geological heritage of the South Carpathians, Revue Roumaine de Geologie, Bucuresti.15. Popa, M.E., Javidan, M. and Falahatgar, M., 2012, Klukia exilis (Philips 1829) Raciborski 1890 emend. Harris 1961 from Ahan Sar, Shemshak Group, Iran. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 8(1-2):33-41.
16. Dragastan, O., Herbig, H.G. and Popa, M.E., 2012, Paleogene Halimeda algal biostratigraphy from Middle Atlas and Central High Atlas (Morocco), paleoecology, paleogeography and some taxonomical considerations, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 8(1-2): 43-90.
17. Barbacka, M., Popa, M.E., Mitka, J., Bodor, E., Pacyna, G., 2015. Relationships between ecosystems and plant assemblages as responses to environmental conditions in the Lower Jurassic of Hungary and Romania. Acta Palaeobotanica 55, 3-17.
18. Cleal, C.J., Popa, M.E., 2015. Position of Ovule Attachment in a Carboniferous Medullosalean Pteridosperm. Botanica Pacifica 4, 127-130.
19. Popa, M.E., 2016. Lepidophloios acerosus Lindley et Hutton 1831 in the Carboniferous Cucuiova Formation, Iron Gates Natural Park (Banat, Romania). Transylvanian Review of Systematic Ecology 16, 1-11.
20. Calin, A.G., Popa, M.E., Pirnea, R., Paraschiv, V., 2019. Cercidiphyllum crenatum (Unger) R. Brown 1935 from the Bozovici Basin, South Carpathians, Romania. Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii 35, 14-22.
XIV. Papers published in peer-reviewed, national periodicals
1. Popa, M.E., 1997. Corystospermal pteridosperms in the Liassic continental deposits of Romania. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae(1): 81-87.2. Dragastan, O., Popa, M.E. and Ciupercianu, M., 1997. The Late Palaeozoic phytostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Southern Carpathians (Romania), Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, Bucuresti, pp. 57-64.
3. Dragastan, O. and Popa, M.E., 1997. Early Jurassic phytostratigraphy of the Holbav Formation, Getic Nappe, Brasov County. Revue Roumaine de Geologie, 41: 51-60.
4. Popa, M.E., 1998. The Liassic continental flora of Romania: Systematics, Stratigraphy and Paleoecology. Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis, 1997-1998(1997-1998): 177-184.
5. Popa, M.E., 1999. First find of Mesozoic tetrapod tracks in Romania. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 2: 387-390.
6. Popa, M.E., 1999. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic palaeobotany and palynology. Part III. Phytostratigraphy of the Getic Nappe. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 2: 377-386.
7. Popa, M.E., 1999. The Polytechnics subway station: rudists in the heart of Bucharest. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 2: 391-396.
8. Popa, M.E., 2001. Ponor SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). Lower Jurassic Paleoflora. In: I.I. Bucur, Filipescu, S., Sasaran, E. (Editor), Algae and carbonate platforms in western part of Romania. Field trip guidebook. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 167-171.
9. Popa, M.E., 2001. Aspects of Romanian Palaeozoic Palaeobotany and Palynology. Part I. An Acitheca type fern from Secu (Banat). In: L. Olaru (Editor), 3rd Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae. Vasiliana '98, Iasi, pp. 365-369.
10. Popa, M.E., 2001. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic palaeobotany and palynology. Part IV. A new species of Weltrichia from Anina. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologie, XLVI(2): 69-76.
11. Popa, M.E., Barbu, O. and Codrea, V., 2003. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic Palaeobotany and Palynology. Part V. Thaumatopteris brauniana from Suncuius. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 4: 361-367.
12. Popa, M.E., 2003. Geological heritage values in the Iron Gates Natural Park, Romania. In: M. Patroescu (Editor), ICERA 2003. Ars Docendi Publishing House, Bucuresti, pp. 742-751.
13. Lazar, I.I., Barbu, V., and Popa, M.E., 2004, Contributions to the Middle Jurassic of the Anina area - the bivalve fauna (part I), Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 4:233-246.
14. Popa, M.E., 2005. Aspects of Romanian Early Jurassic Palaeobotany and Palynology. Part VI. Anina, an exceptional locality. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 5: 375-378.15. Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2006. Preliminary ichological results on the Steierdorf Formation in Anina, Romania. In: Z. Csiki (Editor), Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates and paleoenvironments. Ars Docendi Press, Bucharest, pp. 197-201.
16. Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2008, High resolution paleobotany and sedimentology of the Steierdorf Formation, Resita Basin, Contributions to the Annual scientific session "Ion Popescu-Voitesti", Cluj-Napoca.
17. Popa, M.E., 2015. Trei principii corelate în cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare si învatamânt superior. Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometrie 4, 209-210.
XV. Papers published in other periodicals
1. Popa, M.E., 1992. The Early Liassic of Anina: New Paleobotanical Aspects. Documenta Naturae, 1-3(74): 1-9, Stuttgart.
2. Givulescu, R. and Popa, M.E., 1994. Eine neue Dictyophyllum - Art aus dem unteren Lias von Anina (Rumanien). Documenta Naturae, 84: 42-46, Stuttgart.3. Stanoiu, I., Ticleanu, N., Diaconita, D. and Popa, M.E., 1996. Stratigrafia, faciesurile si paleoambiantele formatiunilor Carbonifer superior - Permian inferioare cu carbuni din Bazinul Resita, Simpozionul de resurse minerale. Buletin informativ. Fundatia oamenilor de Stiinta Prahova, Ploiesti, pp. 58-65.
4. Stanoiu, I. and Ticleanu, M., 1996. Studiul stratigrafic, facial si paleoambiental al formatiunilor liasice cu carbuni din Bazinul Sirinia, Simpozionul de resurse minerale. Fundatia oamenilor de Stiinta Prahova, Ploiesti, pp. 45-56.
5. Androne, P., Cirimbei, V. and Popa, M.E., 2000. Paleozoic and Mesozoic botanical heritage values of the Resita Basin, Romania. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Seria Geologie, XLIX: 75-80.
6. Popa, M.E., Patroescu, M., Popescu, V. and Tetelea, C., 2004. Geological heritage of Iron Gates Natural Park: between preservation and destruction. Drobeta, 14: 7-10.
7. Patroescu, M., Chincea, I., Pascovici, N., Ioja, C., Mataca, S., Popa, M.E., Florescu, V., Valceanu, C., Odorescu, I., Popescu, V., Dumitrascu, D., Rozylowicz, L., Necsuliu, R. and Sbarcea, 2004. Planul de management al Parcului Natural Portile de Fier in perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile. Drobeta, 14: 64-92.
8. Popa, M.E., Diaconu, F., 2010, Preliminary results on the paleobotanical collection of the Resita Banat Mountains Museum, Drobeta.
9. Popa, M. E., 2013, The Polytechnics subway station in Bucharest: a unique paleontological site and a challenging museum project, Drobeta.
XVI. Popular papers
More than 10 papers in popular science magazines, such as “Muntii Carpati” and “Geomemoria”, on paleobotanical, paleozoological, geological, and scuba diving topics.XVII. Media
The research developed in Romania attracted the media: subject for 25 significant articles in several major Romanian daily newspapers (Romania Libera, Jurnalul National, Evenimentul Zilei) and interviews for the Romanian Television National Channel No. 1 (TRV1), broadcasted on National News or TVRI (Romanian International Television). 3 interviews for BBC, broadcasted in 1999 and 2000, related to various scientific topics: Evolution, Paleobotany, Geology. Interviews for Radio Romanian Cultural on various science topics (2010, 2012).XVIII. Documentary movie
1. Dragastan, O. and Popa, M.E., Palaeobotany, a documentary film for the Romanian Television, 3 episodes broadcasted in 1996 and 1997.XIX. Published abstracts
1. Dragastan, O. and Popa, M.E., 1992, Early Jurassic floras of Southern Carpathians: a synthetic phytostratigraphic point of view, Alcapa Conference, Graz.
2. Popa, M.E., 1994, Liassic ferns from the Steierdorf Formation, Anina, Romania, Pan European Conference, Heerlen.
3. Stanoiu, I., Popa, M.E., Dicaonita, D., Ticleanu, M., Dinulescu, C., and Balabas, T., 1997, The Liassic from Resita and Sirinia basins, International Symposium - Geology of the Danube Gorges, special volume, Belgrade.
4. Popa, M.E., 1997, Corystospermal pteridosperms from the Liassic continental deposits of Romania, 1st Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Bucharest.
5. Popa, M.E., and Dragastan, O., 1997, Cycadeoidal gymnosperms from the Liassic continental deposits of Romania, 1st Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Bucharest.
6. Dragastan, O., Popa, M.E., and Ciupercianu, M., 1997, The phytostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Upper Palaeozoic deposits from South Carpathians, 1st Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Bucharest.
7. Popa, M.E., 1997, Liassic continental flora of Romania: systematics, stratigraphy and paleoecology, Annual meeting of Botanical Department, Botanical Gardens, Bucharest.
8. Popa, M.E., 1998, Krakow University, Poland: Christianopteris gradinarui, n.sp., n.gen, a new Corystospermal genus and species from the Romanian Liassic, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, Krakow.
9. Popa, M.E., and Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J.H.A., 1998, In situ Liassic spores from the Getic Nappe, Romania, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, Krakow.
10. Popa, M.E., 1998, The Lower Permian flora from Romania, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, Krakow.11. Grigore, D., Stanoiu, I. and Popa, M.E., 1998. Paleogeographic configuration of the Sirinia Basin during the Lower and Middle Jurassic (South Carpathians), Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association XVI Congress, Vienna, Austria, pp. p. 194.
12. Seghedi, A., Popa, M.E., Oaie, G. and Nicolae, I., 1999, The Permian system in Romania, Brescia.
13. Yanev, S., Popa, M.E., A. Seghedi and Oaie, G., 1999, Comparison of the Permian deposits of Romania and Bulgaria, Brescia.
14. Popa, M.E., 1999, Phytostratigraphy of the Getic Nappe, II-nd Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca.
15. Popa, M.E., and Van Konijnenburg – Van Cittert, 2000, Early Jurassic floras of Romania, IV-th IOP Conference, IVth IOP Conference, Quinhuangdao.
16. Popa, M.E., 2000, Jurassic bennettitalean reproductive structures from Romania, IV-th IOP Conference, Quinhuangdao.
17. Popa, M.E., 2000, Lower Jurassic pteridosperm cuticles from Romania, IV-th IOP Conference, Quinhuangdao.
18. Popa, M.E., 2001, An Acitheca type fern from Secu, 3-rd Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, III-nd Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Iasi.
19. Popa, M.E. and Dilcher, D.L., 2002, Mid-Cretaceous conifers of the Dakota Formation, Kansas, GSA Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky.
20 . Popa, M.E. and Dilcher, D.L., 2002, Cretaceous conifers of Romania, Annual meeting of the Geological Society of Romania, Bucharest.
21. Popa, M.E., and Dilcher, D.L., 2002, A Cenomanian conifer from Rucar, Romania, Annual meeting of the geological Department, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
22. Surlyk, F.C., McElwain, J.C., Hesselbo, S.P., Piasecki, S., Popa, M.E., Robinson, S., 2002, Macrofloral turnover and anatomical-morphological changes, atmospheric CO2 increase, super greenhouse conditions and isotope excursions across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in East Greenland, International Symposium, Mesozoic-Cenozoic bioevents, Berlin, p. 47-49.
23. Popa, M.E., Codrea, V., Barbu,O., 2003, New paleobotanical aspects from Suncuius, IV-th National Symposium of Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca.
24. Popa, M.E., 2003, Pecopterids of the Resita Basin, IV-th National Symposium of Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca.
25. Hesselbo, S.P., McElwain, J.C., Popa, M.E., Surlyk, F., Haworth, M., 2003, New floral, sedimentological and isotopic investigation of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary strata in Jameson Land, East Greenland, 3rd workshop of IGCP Project 468, Stara Lesna, Slovakia.
26. McElwain, J.C., Hesselbo, S.P., Popa, M.E., and Surlyk, F., 2003, New floral, sedimentological and isotopic data from the Triassic–Jurassic boundary strata in Jameson Land, East Greenland, Vancouver.
27. Popa, M.E., 2004, The Carboniferous flora of Romania, IGCP 469 and Cotta symposiums, Freiberg, Germany.
28. Popa, M.E., 2005, Pecopterids of the Resita Formation, South Carpathians, Romania, IGCP 469 symposium, Cardiff, UK.
29. Popa, M.E., 2005, Anina, an exceptional, fossiliferous locality in the South Carpathians, V-th Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Bucharest, Romania.
30. Popa, M.E., 2005, Further observations on the Late Triassic conifer Stachyotaxus septentrionalis (AGARDH) ARNDT 2002, V-th Romanian National Symposium of Palaeontology, Bucharest, Romania..
31. Popa, M.E., 2005, The Carboniferous floras of NE Greenland, IGCP 469, Bucharest, Romania.
32. Popa, M.E., 2006, Further observations on genus Cycadopteris ZIGNO, Advances in Paleobotany, Gainseville, University of Florida, USA.
33. McElwain, J., Popa, M.E., Hesselbo, S.P., Haworth, M., and Surlyk, F., 2006, Stability, collapse and recovery of terrestrial ecosystems in East Greenland across the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction boundary, Advances in Paleobotany, Gainesville, University of Florida, USA.
34. Popa, M.E., 2006, Paleoecology of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, VII-th Paneuropean Paleobotanical & Palynological Conference, Charles University, Prague.
35. Popa, M.E., 2006, Paleoecology of the Resita Formation, Romania, VII-th Paneuropean Paleobotanical & Palynological Conference, Charles University, Prague.36. Popa, M.E., Jennifer C. McElwain, Stephen P. Hesselbo, Finn Surlyk and Matthew D. Haworth, 2007, Further observations on the Triassic-Jurassic flora of Jameson Land, Eastern Greenland, International Symposium on Paleontology & Stratigraphy, Benxi, China.
37. Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2008, Vertebrate burrows in the Lower Jurassic continental deposits of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, IGCP 506 "Marine and Nonmarine Jurassic", Hammamet, Tunisia.
38. Popa, M.E., 2008, The Early Jurassic flora of the Sirinia Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, IOPC VIII, Bonn University, Bonn.
39. Kedzior, A. and Popa, M.E., 2008, The Lower Jurassic Steierdorf Formation, Resita Basin, SW Romania, European Coal Conference, Lvov, Ucraine.
40. Seghedi, A., Iancu, V., Popa, M.E., Rascov, M., Ghenciu, M., 2009, The Iron Gates Natural Park: Proposals For Geo-Tourism Related To Mining Activities, MAEGS symposium, Cluj-Napoca.
41. Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2009, Lower Jurassic continental formations of the South Carpathians, Romania, IGCP 506 meeting in Bucharest, Romania.
42. Popa, M.E., Mesozoic paleontological heritage values in the Resita Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, 2009, First International Symposium of Palaeontology, Chaoyang, Liaoning, China.
43. Popa, M.E. and Zaharia, A., 2009, Plant-insect interactions in the Lower Jurassic continental formations of the South Carpathians, Romania, National Symposium of Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
44. Popa, M.E. and McElwain, J., 2010, The genera Anomozamites and Pterophyllum (Cycadeoidales) of the Triassic-Jurassic Kap Stewart Formation in Jameson Land, Eastern Greenland, 8th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
45. Kedzior, A., Popa, M.E., Pienkowski, G., 2010, Evidences of vertebrate activity recorded in the Lower Jurassic continental deposits of the Steierdorf Formation, SW Romania, Earth Sciences Frontiers, 17: 258-260, 8th International Jurassic Congress, Suining, Sichuan, China.
46. Pienkowski, G., Popa, M.E., Kedzior, A., 2010, Early Jurassic Sauropod Footprints of the Southern Carpathians, Romania: Palaeobiological and Palaeogeographical Significance, Earth Sciences Frontiers, 17:193-196, 8th International Jurassic Congress, Suining, Sichuan, China.47. Popa, M.E., 2011, Early Jurassic ferns of the South Carpathians, Romania, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.
48. Popa, M. E., Csiki, Z., Vasile, S. Savescu, M. O. B., 2011, The Maastrichtian flora and fauna of the Hateg and Rusca Montana basins, Romania, Yichun, Heilongjiang, China.
49. Popa, M. E., 2013, New data on Early Jurassic bennettite reproductive structures and their associated foliage of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, Leiden, The Netherlands.
50. Popa, M. E., Iancu, V., Seghedi, A., Berza, T., 2016, Carboniferous deposits of the South Carpathians and Moesia: main depositional environments, Petroleum systems of Alpine-Mediterranean fold belts and basins, AAPG regional conference and exhibition, Bucharest.
51. Popa, M. E., 2016, Bennettitale jurasic timpurii din Romania, XXII-nd edition of ”Dimitrie Brandza” symposium, Botanical Garden, Bucharest.
52. Pirnea, R., Popa, M. E., Flora oligocena de la Paroseni, Bazinul Petrosani”, XXII-nd edition of ”Dimitrie Brandza” symposium, Botanical Garden, Bucharest.
53. Pirnea, R., Popa, M. E., 2016. Flora oligocena din Campul minier Paroseni, Bazinul Petrosani. The Scientific Communication Session of the „Dimitrie Brandza” Botanical Garden, the XXIIth edition, Bucharest, University of Bucharest Press, Abstract Volume: 22.
54. Pirnea, R., Popa, M. E., 2017. The Oligocene flora from the Uricani coalfield, Petrosani Basin, Romania. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-6159, EGU General Assembly 2017.
55. Pirnea, R., Ghiran, M.D., Popa, M.E., 2017. Coal petrography and fossil plants from the Paroseni coalfield, Petrosani Basin, Romania, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 92: 121-122.
56. Stanciulescu, I., Cojocaru, G., Pirnea, R., Popa M.E., 2017. The Oligocene flora from Petrila Coal Mine, Petrosani Basin, Romania, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 92: 142
57. Calin, A. G., Barbu, I. E., Maris, I., Popa, M. E., 2017. New sedimentological and palaeoxylological results from the Bozovici Basin, Caras-Severin County, Romania. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften , 80-81, The 69th Annual Meeting of The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology.
58. Calin, A. G., Popa, M. E., Iamandei, S., 2017. New fossil woods from Bozovici Basin. 16, Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucuresti.
59. Popa, M. E., Predeanu, G., 2017. Coals of Romania, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 92.
60. Ghiran, M.D., Popa, M.E., Maris, I., Gheorghe, S., 2017. Petrography and geochemistry of dispersed organic matter in the Oligocene source rocks of the central-western part of the Getic Depression, Romania. The 69th Annual Meeting of The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, Academia Româna, Bucuresti.
61. Pirnea, R., Popa, M. E., 2018. Elaeocarpaceae fruits from the Oligocene of the Petrosani Basin, Romania, Abstract Book European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, University College Dublin, 2018: 206.
62. Wang, Y., Popa, M. E., Xiaoju, Y., Xiangwu, W., 2018. A new record of bennettitalean flower (Williamsonia) from the lower Jurassic in southern China. Abstract Book European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, University College Dublin, 2018: 60.
63. Calin, A. G., Pirnea, R., Paraschiv, V., Popa, M. E., 2018. New considerations on the Miocene flora from the Bozovici Basin, Romania. European Geosciences Union Conference.
XX. Talks given at foreign universities
1. Graz University, Austria: Early Jurassic floras of Southern Carpathians: a synthetic phytostratigraphic point of view, 2 July 1992, Alcapa Conference (Alps, Carpathians, Pannonian Basin Correlation), in collaboration with O. Dragastan;
2. Utrecht University, The Netherlands: Lower Jurassic flora from Anina, Romania, 23 March 1994.
3. Heerlen, The Netherlands: Liassic ferns from the Steierdorf Formation, Anina, Romania, September 1994, Pan European Conference, poster.
4. Montpellier University, France: Les depots Liasiques continentaux de Roumanie: Paleobotanique et Geologie, 7 May 1997;
5. Lyon University, France: La flore liasique de Roumanie, 20 June 1997.
6. Krakow University, Poland: Christianopteris gradinarui, n.sp., n.gen, a new Corystospermal genus and species from the Romanian Liassic, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, 28 June 1998.
7. Krakow University, Poland: In situ Liassic spores from the Getic Nappe, Romania, in collaboration with Dr. Johanna van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, 28 June 1998.
8. Krakow University, Poland: The Lower Permian flora from Romania, Pan European Paleobotanical Conference, 26 June 1998, poster.
9. Bristol University, UK: The Early Jurassic macroflora of Romania, conference, 27 November 1998.
10. Natural History Museum, Brescia, Italy: The Permian system in Romania, conference, in collaboration with A. Seghedi, G, Oaie and I. Nicolae, conference, Continental Permian correlations of the world symposium, September 1999.
11. Natural History Museum, Brescia, Italy: Comparison of the Permian deposits of Romania and Bulgaria, in collaboration with S. Yanev, A. Seghedi and G. Oaie, poster, September 1999.
12. Quinhuangdao, China: Early Jurassic floras of Romania, IVth IOP Conference, August 2000.
13. Quinhuangdao, China: Jurassic bennettitalean reproductive structures from Romania, IVth IOP Conference, August 2000.
14. Quinhuangdao, China: Lower Jurassic pteridosperm cuticles from Romania, IVth IOP Conference, August 2000.
15. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA: 6 conferences on paleobotany, January-May 2002.
16. Lexington, Kentucky: Mid-Cretaceous conifers of the Dakota Formation, Kansas, GSA Meeting, in collaboration with David L. Dilcher, March 2002.
17. Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC, USA: Fossil floras of Romania, November 11, 2001.
18. Kansas University, Lawrence, USA: Paleozoic and Mesozoic floras of Romania, April 2002.
19. Lyon University, France: Les flores Paleozoiques et Mesozoiques de Roumanie, July 10, 2002.
20. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden: Paleontology and Geology of Paleozoic and Mesozoic continental formations in Romania. January 17, 2003.
21. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden: Paleontology and Geology of the continental Kap Stewart Formation, Jameson Land, NE Greenland. January 17, 2003.
22. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA: Mesozoic pteridosperms: a review, February 19, 2003.
23. Geological Institute of Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria: Upper Carboniferous coalfields of Romania, April 23, 2004.
24. Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois, College DuPage, USA: Paleozoic and Mesozoic floras of Romania, June 11, 2004.
25. Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany: Carboniferous flora of Romania, October 8, 2004.
26. National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, UK: Pecopterids of the Resita Formation, South Carpathians, Romania, April 15, 2005.27. Bucharest, Romania: Popa, M.E., Carboniferous floras of East Greenland, IGCP 469 meeting, October 2005.
28. Nanjing Institute of Palaeontology, China: Overview of Romanian Jurassic floras, IGCP 506, November 4, 2005.
29. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA: Further observations on genus Cycadopteris ZIGNO, March 2006.
30 . University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Geology and Paleobotany of the Jurassic continental deposits in Romania, July 2006.
31. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic: Paleoecology of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, 2006.
32. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic: Paleoecology of the Resita Formation, Romania, 2006.33. Benxi, China: Popa, M.E., McElwain, J., Hesselbo, S., Surlyk, F., and Haworth, M.D., Further observations on the Triassic-Jurassic flora of Jameson Land, Eastern Greenland, International Symposium on Paleontology & Stratigraphy, 2007.
34. Hammamet, Tunisia: Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., Vertebrate burrows in the Lower Jurassic continental deposits of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, IGCP 506 "Marine and Nonmarine Jurassic", 2008.
35. Bonn, Germany: Popa, M.E., The Early Jurassic flora of the Sirinia Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, IOPC VIII, Bonn University, September 2008.
36. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Popa, M.E., and Zaharia, A., Plant-insect interactions in the Lower Jurassic continental formations of the South Carpathians, Romania, 7th National Symposium of Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca, 2009.
37. Bucharest, Romania: Popa, M.E. and Kedzior, A., 2009, Lower Jurassic continental formations of the South Carpathians, Romania, 8th IGCP 506 meeting in Bucharest, 30 august 2009.
38. Chaoyang, Liaoning, China: Popa, M.E., Mesozoic paleontological heritage values in the Resita Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, First International Symposium of Palaeontology, Chaoyang, Liaoning, China, 2009.
39. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Seghedi, A., Iancu, V., Popa, M.E., Rascov, M., Ghenciu, M., The Iron Gates Natural Park: Proposals For Geo-Tourism Related To Mining Activities, MAEGS symposium, Cluj-Napoca, 2009.
40. Budapest, Hungary: Popa, M.E. and McElwain, J., The genera Anomozamites and Pterophyllum (Cycadeoidales) of the Triassic-Jurassic Kap Stewart Formation in Jameson Land, Eastern Greenland, 8th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, 10 July 2010.
41. Shenyang, Liaoning, China: Popa, M.E., Early Jurassic ferns of the South Carpathians, Romania, International Paleontological Congress, May 2011.
42. Yichun, Heilongjiang, China: Popa, M. E., Csiki, Z., Vasile, S. Savescu, M. O. B., The Maastrichtian flora and fauna of the Hateg and Rusca Montana basins, Romania, International Paleontological Congress, august 2011.
43. Lugansk, Ukraine: Popa, M.E., and Cleal C.J. The Carboniferous flora of Cucuiova, Sirinia Basin, Romania, IGCP 575 meeting in Lugansk, 18 September 2012.
44. Leiden, The Netherlands: Popa, M. E., 2013, New data on Early Jurassic bennettite reproductive structures and their associated foliage of the Steierdorf Formation, Romania, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
45. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China: Popa, M. E., 2016, Geological introduction and vegetation history (Late Palaeozoic to Neozoic) of Romania, NIGPAS (Nanjing Institute for Geology and Palaeontology, Academy of Sciences).
46. Huangshan, Anhui, China: Popa, M.E., 2016, Early Jurassic bennettitalean structures of Romania, invited lecture.
47. Shenyang, Liaoning, China: Popa, M.E., 2016, Student life, geology and paleontology of Romania, Palaeontological Museum of Liaoning, Shenyang Normal University, invited lecture.
48. Chengdu, Sichuan, China: Popa, M. E., 2017, Geology and paleontology in Romania, Southwestern Petroleum University (SWPU), invited lecture.
49. Chengdu, Sichuan, China: Popa, M. E., 2017, Review of the bennettitalean genus Weltrichia, Southwestern Petroleum University (SWPU), 2nd International Conference of Palaeogeography, invited lecture.
XXI. Conferences in Romania
More than 35 conferences in Romania, given at all important Paleontological meetings in Romania since 1994 (1-8th National Symposia on Paleontology, Geological Society of Romania meetings, Geological Survey of Romania meetings, etc.).XXII. Research projects as a Principal Investigator (PI)
1. "Paleobotany of the Jurassic deposits in Anina, South Carpathians", funded by the Soros Foundation for an Open Society, 1994, Bucharest.2. “The Middle Cretaceous floras of USA and Romania: different lands, similar floras”, 2001-2002, Senior Fulbright Fellowship, funded by the Fulbright Commission, US Department of State. Post-doc with David L. Dilcher, NAS member in University of Florida, Natural History Museum, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
3. “Systematics, phytostratigraphy and paleoecology of Upper Paleozoic deposits of the Resita Basin”, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, CNCSIS (Romanian board for university research) funded grant.
4. “Early Jurassic coniferales from Romania and Sweden: a comparison”, 2003. Highlat project, funded by the European Union, research undertaken at the Royal Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden.
5. "Triassic-Jurassic gymnosperms of Jameson Land, NE Greenland", Field Museum project, Chicago, 2004.6. "Triassic-Jurassic pteridophytes of Jameson Land, NE Greenland", Synthesis project, Geological Museum, Copenhagen University, 2006.
7. "Early Jurassic terrestrial ecosystems of Romania", CNCSIS grant no. 978, 436/1.10.2007, PNII-Ideas framework, 2007-2010.
8. "The geological diversity of the Upper Paleozoic deposits in Romania and the relation with climate global change", ANCS grant no. 3050, 31-063/14.09.2007, PNII-Partnership framework, 2007-2010.
9. Synthesys Project, 2016, National Museum, Prague.
XXIII. Research projects as a member of the research team:
1. “Paleobathymetry analysis of Miocene and Pliocene deposits of the Getic Depression”, 1996, funded by the Geological Survey of Romania, Bucharest, with O. Dragastan (PI).
2. “Early Jurassic plants from Romania”, 1996, funded by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, with O. Dragastan (PI).
3. “Lower Jurassic deposits in Romania”, 1997, funded by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, with O. Dragastan (PI).
4. “Paleobotanical heritage values in Romania”, 1998, funded by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, with O. Dragastan (PI) and N. Ticleanu.
5. "International Workshop for a Climatic, Biotic, and Tectonic, Pole-to-Pole Coring Transect of Triassic-Jurassic Pangea”, 1999, funded by NSF. Participant at the “Pangea” workshop in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
6. “Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate platforms in Romania”, 1998-2001. Funded by the World Bank via CNCSIS (Romanian board for university research), Grant no. 42, with O. Dragastan (PI).
7. “IT system for selection, validation and storage of geological information”, 1999-2000. Funded by the World Bank via CNCSIS (Romanian board for university research). Grant no. 17, with D. Scradeanu (PI).
8. Field workshop participant and co-organiser for the GSSP meeting for the Olenekian-Anisian boundary, 2000, Tulcea, Romania, with E. Gradinaru (PI).
9. “Deep Time” project, 2002-2003, funded by NSF (National Science Foundation). In collaboration with P. Soltis, D. Soltis, and D. Dilcher (PIs).
10. "Iron Gates Natural Park: conservation and habitat reconstruction", 2001-2003, Nature Life project no. 007171, funded by the European Union, with Dr. Maria Patroescu (PI).
11. “Fossil flora and carbon cycle dynamics across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary”, 2002, funded by the National Geographic Society, with Jennifer McElwain (PI).
12. “Paleoecology of the Jurassic deposits of the Getic Nappe”, 2003, CNCSIS (Romanian board for university research) grant, with I. Lazar (PI).
13. "Fossil flora dynamics across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in East Greenland", 2004, NASA funded project, with Jennifer McElwain (PI).
14. "Variscan terrestrial biotas and palaeoenvironments", IGCP 469, Unesco funded project.
15. "The Marine and Non-marine Jurassic", IGCP 506, Unesco funded project.16. "Massextinct", 2006-2010, Marie Curie project, with Jennifer McElwain (PI).
17. "Protected areas: environment assessment for natural resources and sustainable development", 2007-2010, PNII-Partnership framework, with Antoneta Seghedi (PI).
18. "The geo- and biodiversity of the Cheile Bicazului - Hasmas National Park", 2007-2010, PNII-Partnership framework.
19. "Geological databases" PNII-Partnership framework, 2007-2010, with Viorica Milu (PI).
20. IGCP 575 "Pennsylvanian terrestrial habitats and biotas in southeastern Europe and northern Asia Minor and their relation to tectonics and climate", 2010-2014, member of coordinators group, Dr. Chris Cleal (PI).
21. ”Greenhouse climate and vegetation radiation across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary event: comparisons between China and Romania”, 2016, Joint research project funded by the Chinese Government, in collaboration with Prof. Yongdong Wang, NIGPAS, Nanjing.
XXIV. Educational projects:
1 . “New teaching and learning strategies in Life and Earth Sciences and Environmental engineering at the University of Bucharest”, 1998-2001. Grant CNFIS no. 229. Funded by the World Bank via CNCSIS (Romanian board for university research). In collaboration with V. Preda. Value: 23000 USD.
2. “Development of a centre for retraining high school teachers within University of Bucharest”, 1998-2001. Tempus Joint Educational Project no. 12508. In collaboration with M. Patroescu. Funded by the European Union. Value: 120000 USD.3. "Program postdoctoral pentru formare cercetatori în stiinte” POS-DRU project ID: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/58852, employed as a short term expert.
XXV. Also:
- 1989: Scuba diving license – Open Water Diver Card PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors), among the first PADI licences in Romania;
- 1992: Environmental impact assessments diploma, under the supervision of the French and Romanian Ministry of Environment;
- 2000: Driver licence, B category.Professor Mihai Emilian POPA
3 October 2020