1823 Sargassum septentrionale AGARDH, p. 108, Pl. 2, Fig.
1926 Stachyotaxus elegans HARRIS, p. 119-122, Pl. X, figs.
2-4, Pl. XII, figs. 1, 2, 6, Pl. XIII, fig. 5, Text-fig. 30 E, F,
I, J;
1935 Stachyotaxus elegans HARRIS, p. 52-55, Pl. 10, figs.
1-3, 6-9, 11, Pl. 21, figs. 1-3, Pl. 27, fig. 7, Text-fig. 23;
1935 Stachyotaxus septentrionalis HARRIS, p. 56-58, Pl.
9, figs. 11, 12, 14-17, Pl. 10, figs. 4, 5, 10, 12, 13;
1937 Stachyotaxus elegans HARRIS, p. 60;
1937 Stachyotaxus septentrionalis HARRIS, p. 60;
1946 Stachyotaxus elegans HARRIS, p. 26;
2002 Stachyotaxus septentrionalis ARNDT, p. 13-15, Text-figs.
5, 6, Pl. 3, Figs. 1-6.
Short description
Trunks, branches, roots, leaves, female cones and seeds and pollen
cones were collected. The trunks are large, with wrinkled bark. Shoot
axes are covered with spirally inserted leaves that are uninerve,
with a constricted basis (Elatocladus-like), elongated leaf
cushions, entire margins, and a slightly acute apex. Cuticles are
very thin and fragile. Seed cones are cylindrical in outline, long,
with spirally arranged bracts that show no separation within the bract-scale
complex. The bracts are uninerve, with entire margins, and a sharp
apex. They are strongly curved, supporting adaxially two ovules with
an elongated micropyle. Pollen cones ares short, usually badly preserved,
with microsporophylls inserted spirally.
S. elegans is a junior synonym of S. septentrionalis,
as Arndt (2002) demonstrated, the separation between the previous
two species being based mainly on size and shape of leaves. The Swedish
material shows clearly the lack of any difference between the two
species, and the Greenlandic material points to the same conclusion:
S. elegans is a junior synonym of S. septentrionalis.
Arndt (2002) redescribed the ovulate cones of S. elegans.
In Jameson Land, we could collect S. septentrionalis
from Astartekloeft, South Tancredia and Primulaelv. In Astartekloeft,
this species is particularly abundant, mainly in Bed 5, known also
as the Stachyotaxus Bed of Harris. In Europe, S. septentrionalis
was described mainly from Scania.
Late Triassic.
Marsh edges.
The best preserved material was collected from Astartekloeft,
from Bed 5 (Harris' Stachyotaxus Bed).