tetrapod tracks
Batrachopus deweyi was found in Anina, South Carpathians, within
the Ponor Quarry SSSI, in the Steierdorf Formation. This was the first
find of Mesozoic tetrapod tracks in Romania.
Polytechnics Subway station
This subway station represents
the most interesting paleontological site in Bucharest, although it
has an "allochtonous" position, the ornamental rocks full
of fossils being collected from an unknown occurrence in the Apuseni
Paleozoic insect wing
An insect wing was collected from Secu, near Resita, in
the South Carpathians. It is the oldest insect remain in Romania so
At Zagradia, in the South Carpathians, amphibian caudal vertebrae
were found.
Belemnites from Munteana
In Munteana, within the Iron Gates Natural Park, belemnites such as
Megateuthys paxillosus can be found.
Vetebrate burrows in
Recently, vertebrate burrows, most probably dug by dinosaurs, were described
from Anina, South Carpathians. A unique European occurrence and a very
rare occurrence in the world.
Sauropod tracks in
In September 2009, during the IGCP 506 meeting
in Romania, the first Jurassic sauropod tracks were discovered,
thanks to the attentive observations of Dr. Grzegorz Pienkowski (Warsaw).